Esta es la entrada número doscientos de este blog, a pocos meses de cumplir los cuatro años. Nunca pensé que un rincón así sería tan especial para mi. Gracias a todos los que pasais por aquí, han sido doscientos momentos frente a la pantalla y con la mariposa en el estomago, han sido docientos fragmentos de mí. Aún me queda mucho por aprender y por hacer pero puedo prometeros que si os quedais cerquita, os enseñaré magia. De momento, este boceto... veamos que saca mi amigo finalmente de la chistera. Sea lo que sea, es todo vuestro. Gracias.
This is the entry number two hundred of this blog. I never thought that site would be very special for me. Thanks to all who pass by here, have been two hundred times in front of the screen, have been two hundred pieces of me. I still have much to learn and to do but I can promise you that if you stay close, I'll show you magic. For now, this sketch ... Thank you.
This is the entry number two hundred of this blog. I never thought that site would be very special for me. Thanks to all who pass by here, have been two hundred times in front of the screen, have been two hundred pieces of me. I still have much to learn and to do but I can promise you that if you stay close, I'll show you magic. For now, this sketch ... Thank you.