Siguiendo el sistema de Arte y Pico para dar a conocer blogs interesantes, mi amigo *Robi Pena me ha elegido como uno de los 5 fantásticos! Muchisimas gracias Robi!! Aparte de ser un gran artista es una gran persona, es todo un honor y más viniendo de alguien tan maestral como tú, espero llegar a niveles aproximados a los tuyos algún día. Mil gracias!!!
Arte y Pico consiste en premiar blogs interesantes y que todos podamos conocer otros mundos blogueros. La persona premiada designará a su vez a cinco blogs que él considere imprescindibles, y estos serán nombrados con el premio.
He tenido muchisimas dudas a la hora de elegir a mis cinco nominados porque todos los que forman mi lista son grandes artistas, pero hay que elegir! así que aquí estan:
Irati (Mokashines):
Por su continua búsqueda de un estilo personal que ya tiene y por cierto es casi único. Por sus trabajos de alta calidad y su más alta aún calidad humana. Tus ilustraciones siguen sorprendiendome cada día.
Miguel de Llobet:
Porque es casi tan dificil crear un personaje carismático (y extraño a la vez) como ser un ex-profesor que mas que eso es un gran amigo, y un ejemplo a seguir. Porque aunque a veces las cosas no son fáciles con entereza se consiguen, poco a poco, eso dice el Doctor Awde.
Miss O:
Sus textos me llenan de sentimientos encontrados, son palabras muy profundas que muchas veces pasan desapercibidas. Creo que sus relatos (a veces con principio y final y otras veces solo fragmentos) son casi casi trozos de alma.
Jorge Vigara:
Porque su blog es uno de los que me hacen pensar que me hubiera divertido muchísimo haciendo animación. Sus esfuerzos por mejorar día a día y sus fragmentos de pequeños movimientos me arrancan siempre una sonrisa. Ya verás ya, dentro de nada a Hollywood!
Emily AKA Ravenhill
Su combinación de colores a la hora de hacer piezas únicas me emociona muchisimo. Un talento especial y una atmosfera muy casera irradia todo lo que hace. Tiene un estilo sumamente cuidado y es una persona muy muy agradable.
* La chica que sostiene el premio es de una ilustración anterior pero está redibujada y repintada para presentarla como parte de una obra a un concurso, he dicho :)
Following the system of Arts and Pico awards to publicize blogs interesting, my friend * Robi Pena has chosen me as one of the 5 great! Thank you so much Robi! Apart from being a great artist is a great person, it is an honour and more coming from someone so maestral like you, I hope to arrive at approximate levels to yours someday. Many thanks!
Arts and Pico is rewarded interesting blogs and that we can all learn other worlds bloggers. The person rewarded in turn appoint five blogs that it deems necessary, and these will be appointed by the award.
I had so much hesitation in choosing my five nominees because all forming my list are great artists, but we must choose! So here are:
Irati (Mokashines):
For its continuing search for a personal style that already has and is almost certainly unique. Because of its high-quality work and still its highest human quality. Your illustrations still amaze me every day.
Miguel de Llobet:
Because it is almost as difficult to create a charismatic character (and strange at the same time) as being a former teacher who more than that is a great friend and an example to follow. Because although sometimes things are not easily achievable with fortitude, little by little, that said Doctor Awde.
Miss O:
His texts me filled with mixed feelings, words are very deep that often go unnoticed. I think his stories (sometimes at the beginning and end and at other times just fragments) are almost nearly pieces of soul.
Jorge Vigara:
Because his blog is one of those that make me think that I had a lot of fun doing animation. Their efforts to improve day by day and fragments of small movements whenever I boot a smile. It out now, soon to Hollywood!
Emily AKA Ravenhill
His combination of colors in making unique pieces thrilled me much. A special talent and a very homemade atmosphere radiates everything he does. It has a style very carefully and is a very nice person.
* The girl who holds the award is an illustration earlier but was redrawn and repainted to be presented as part of a work to a contest, I said:)
Arts and Pico is rewarded interesting blogs and that we can all learn other worlds bloggers. The person rewarded in turn appoint five blogs that it deems necessary, and these will be appointed by the award.
I had so much hesitation in choosing my five nominees because all forming my list are great artists, but we must choose! So here are:
Irati (Mokashines):
For its continuing search for a personal style that already has and is almost certainly unique. Because of its high-quality work and still its highest human quality. Your illustrations still amaze me every day.
Miguel de Llobet:
Because it is almost as difficult to create a charismatic character (and strange at the same time) as being a former teacher who more than that is a great friend and an example to follow. Because although sometimes things are not easily achievable with fortitude, little by little, that said Doctor Awde.
Miss O:
His texts me filled with mixed feelings, words are very deep that often go unnoticed. I think his stories (sometimes at the beginning and end and at other times just fragments) are almost nearly pieces of soul.
Jorge Vigara:
Because his blog is one of those that make me think that I had a lot of fun doing animation. Their efforts to improve day by day and fragments of small movements whenever I boot a smile. It out now, soon to Hollywood!
Emily AKA Ravenhill
His combination of colors in making unique pieces thrilled me much. A special talent and a very homemade atmosphere radiates everything he does. It has a style very carefully and is a very nice person.
* The girl who holds the award is an illustration earlier but was redrawn and repainted to be presented as part of a work to a contest, I said:)