Después de varios días peleandome a muerte con mi ordenador, con Illustrator, con Photoshop, con Freehand, con Flash y con todo tipo de programas... nada puede relajarme, motivarme ni hacerme más feliz que pintar con pincel...
El color... espero que os guste :)
p.d. Viva las pecosas!
After many days spending time on my PC fighting with Illustrator, Photoshop, Freehand, Flash and some other digital stuff... drawing with pen and watercolours makes me happy, anything in the world can make me feel better.
The colour version... this is it. Hope you like it :)
Hooray for freckled!
El color... espero que os guste :)
p.d. Viva las pecosas!
After many days spending time on my PC fighting with Illustrator, Photoshop, Freehand, Flash and some other digital stuff... drawing with pen and watercolours makes me happy, anything in the world can make me feel better.
The colour version... this is it. Hope you like it :)
Hooray for freckled!